International Conference on Multidisciplinary Facets for Development of Health Laws
“International Conference on Multidisciplinary Facets for Development of Health Laws” is framed as the theme for the International Multidisciplinary Law Conference. This conference aims at encouraging research in bringing out the synergy involved in collaboration between multiple disciplines and Law. The niche of this year’s conference is
synthesis, analysis and comparative study of various disciplines.
In this context, Research Papers, Perspectives, Case Studies, Discussion Notes, and Working Papers are invited from multiple disciplines from academic and practitioner communities. The broad themes are listed below, but the areas of research transcend far above the tracks. The selected papers shall be published in SCOPUS Index, Journal/UGC Care listed Journals/ or in form of book chapter with ISBN No. from a reputed publisher.
Themes & Sub themes:
Medical Ethics in times of Pandemic
- The role of legal rules (hard-law and soft-law)
- The role of scientific experts and committees
- Informed consent and pandemic (i.e. health care choices, vaccination, offlabel drugs, clinical trials)
- Legal and ethical issues of medical responsibility and medical malpractice
- Palliative care
- Ethical and legal decisions and limited resources
- Euthanasia and assisted suicide
- Medical decision-making capacity, substituted judgment and end of life decisions
Relations Between Forensic Science and Judicial Process in Comparative Jurisdictions
- Evidentiary Value of DNA in Legal System
- Challenges in respect of Forensic Analysis
- Role of DNA in profiling Criminal Justice System: Myths, Realities and Proposed Road Map.
- Jurisprudence of Forensic Science: Evolution, Practice and Future
- Methods of DNA extraction and reliability of reports as evidence: Critical Legislative and Judicial Study.
- DNA Extraction and Rights of Accused: Unfolding the principles of Fair Trial.
- Constitutional Rights of Accused in Comparative Jurisdictions
- Trial by Media v Right to Fair Trial
- Right to Effective Representation & Legal Aid
- Rights Against Self Incrimination Under Constitution
- Rights of Under-Trial Prisoners under Constitution
The Impact of Social Disparities on Responses to COVID-19
- The COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity for progressive social politics
- Pandemic! – disease and conspiracy theories
- The politics of social distancing
- The political implications of governmental responses to the pandemic; government control of coronavirus data; exclusivist national stockpiling of COVID-19 treatments
- Disaster Capitalism: The pandemic as both disruptor and accelerant of neoliberal normality
- Virtual liberty? Lockdown existence and the triumph of networked society
- Dying for capitalism: The trade-off between commercial and public health
- Policing the pandemic: Authoritarianism and security; poverty and/as disease; pandemic masculinities
- Planet or people first? Environmentalism in a time of pandemic Consumer Protection and Consumer Advocacy During the Pandemic
- Insurance in Transition: Plotting A Course in A Chaotic World for protection of consumer rights
- The Global Governance of Online Consumer Protection and E-commerce
- The challenge of protecting consumers from unsafe products
- Contemporary Issues & Challenges to Consumer Policy in The Digital Age
Payment Details for Paper Presentation
- For Indian student registration Fees: Rs 500/-
- For Indian Professional registration Fees: Rs 800/-
- For International Students and Professionals Registration Fees: US Dollars $ 15.
- The publication charges for the selected papers shall be intimated separately. The payment can be made using this Link
Important Dates
- Last Date of Abstract Submission: 20 June 2021
- Last Date of Full Paper Submission: 30 June 2021