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Drug Abuse Forensic Chemistry +1

Drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA): Understanding Commonly used Date Drugs

Information on some of the most commonly used date rape drugs, including Rohypnol, GHB, Ketamine, Xanax, and Valium. It also includes statistics on drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) and provides precautions that can be taken...

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Elderly Woman Stabbed to Death in N. Manadhoo, Prompting Maldives Police Service to Monitor...

The Maldives police have started investigating the death of an elderly woman in N. Manadhoo. The investigation was prompted...

The Significance of Chain of Custody in Legal Proceedings

The Chain of Custody helps prevent tampering, loss, contamination, or substitution of the evidence. It is critical in maintaining...

The Use of Body-Worn Cameras in Policing

This post discusses the benefits and challenges of using body-worn cameras in policing. While they can increase transparency and...

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