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Drug Abuse News & Updates +1

Alarming Increase in Fatal Overdoses after Police Drug Seizures

Learn about a recent study that uncovers the unintended consequences of police drug seizures, including an alarming increase in fatal overdoses. Understand the need for a comprehensive approach that combines drug enforcement with harm...

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Lawyer Indicted for Additional Assaults: DNA Evidence Links Him to Five More Attacks

Read about the recent developments in the case of Matthew Nilo, a New Jersey lawyer accused of sexual assaults...

Gray County Jane Doe Identified: Brenda Sue Guessler

After 22 years, the Texas Rangers and Othram Inc. have successfully identified the Gray County Jane Doe as Brenda...

Alphonse Bertillon: Father of Criminal Identification

Discover the pioneering work of Alphonse Bertillon, a French police officer and biometrics researcher who revolutionized criminal identification with...

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