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Explore the fascinating world of forensic fingerprint analysis, from its ancient origins to modern technological advancements and applications in crime investigation.

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As humanity extends its reach beyond Earth, the field of space forensics emerges as a pivotal domain within space exploration, blending the intricate art of forensic analysis with the challenges presented by space environments....

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Explore the transformative power of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies in genomic science, offering rapid, cost-effective insights into DNA and RNA, and shaping the future of medical research, agriculture, and beyond.

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Explore the fascinating intersection of psychology and law through forensic psychology. Discover how this field applies psychological principles to understand behavior within legal contexts and its pivotal role in the justice system.

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Groundbreaking research from Athens, Greece, offers new insights into carrion insects' role in forensic science, highlighting the urgent need for standardized research protocols.

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University of Waterloo researchers have pioneered a new blood testing method capable of detecting opioids like fentanyl in under three minutes, potentially saving lives by offering rapid results in emergency situations.

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Discover how Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), an advanced DNA analysis technology, is transforming forensic science and the legal system. Learn about its first court approval in a U.S. trial, its role in solving a...

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Explore the crucial role of soil in forensic science. Learn how soil analysis aids crime scene investigations and unveils vital clues.

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Discover OsteoID, the groundbreaking tool revolutionizing skeletal identification in forensic science, offering precision and efficiency in species recognition.

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Delve into the world of vaping and e-cigarettes to discover five essential insights that shed light on this rapidly evolving trend

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