After death, the body undergoes several changes. These changes, which occur in a specific order, are fascinating and can be broken down into three stages: early, intermediate, and late.
The body experiences immediate changes during the early stage due to nervous, respiratory, and circulatory system failure. These changes include the loss of skin pallor and elasticity, primary relaxation of muscles, changes in the eye, cooling of the body, post-mortem lividity or staining, and rigor mortis.
As time passes, the body enters the late stage, characterized by decomposition. A Putrefaction is a normal form of decomposition that usually begins in the abdomen and can lead to the release of gases and the bloating of the body. Adipocere changes, a modified form of decomposition, may also occur. This is where the body’s fat turns into a waxy substance that can help preserve it. Finally, mummification may occur. This is another modified form of decomposition where the body is dried out and preserved, usually in hot and dry environments.
Overall, the changes in the body after death are complex and varied, but understanding them can provide valuable insights into life and death.
Changes in the Body after Death
Here are the changes that occur in the body after death:
- Within a few hours after death, the body undergoes several changes that are indicative of the cessation of vital processes. One of the most noticeable changes is the paleness of the body surface due to the stoppage of circulation and the draining of blood from small vessels to larger ones. Additionally, the body’s muscles become flaccid due to their primary flaccidity, and the eye’s cornea becomes transparent. As time passes, purplish blotches of post-mortem lividity appear on dependent body parts. Another notable change is the onset of rigor mortis, which may be apparent in the muscles of the eyelids.
- Between 2 and 6 hours after death, the body’s surface temperature will decrease, causing the body to feel cold to the touch. The skin may also begin to show signs of lividity, which are purplish discolorations caused by blood pooling in the body’s lower regions. Over time, these blotches will become increasingly intense in color, creating a striking contrast with the surrounding skin. Additionally, intraocular tension will decrease around this time, causing the eyes to become increasingly sunken in appearance.
- Between 6 and 12 hours after death, the patches of lividity on the skin start to merge together and become more pronounced, indicating that blood has started to settle in the lower parts of the body. This process is known as livor mortis, and it is one of the first signs that a person has died. At the same time, rigor mortis begins to set in, causing the body’s muscles to become stiff and difficult to move. This stiffness starts in the smaller muscles of the face and neck and then spreads to the larger muscles of the arms and legs. While these changes may seem subtle, they are important indicators of the time of death and can help forensic investigators determine how long a person has been deceased.
- Between 12-24 hours after death, the body undergoes a process known as rigor mortis, which causes the muscles to become stiff and rigid. This stiffness is well-established and can be felt throughout the entire body. In addition, a greenish discoloration may be noticeable in the right iliac fossa, indicating the presence of other biochemical processes taking place within the body. It is important to note that the onset and duration of rigor mortis can be influenced by several factors, such as body temperature, age, and physical condition at the time of death.
- Between 24 to 36 hours, the rigor that once gripped the body begins to fade away, much like how it appeared. During this time, green patches of discoloration may start to spread over the abdomen and adjoining parts of the external genitalia. These patches will then gradually spread to other body parts, including the chest, neck, face, and limbs. Along with the appearance of these discolorations, the abdomen may also start to become distended, and the skin may begin to show marbling.
- Between 36-48 hours after death, the deceased’s abdomen becomes noticeably distended, often to the point of becoming well-rounded. The skin may also start to show prominent marbling, indicating the onset of decomposition. As gases produced by the decaying process continue accumulating within the body, the features of the deceased become bloated and distorted. In particular, the breast, scrotum, and penis may become markedly distended, while the tongue may protrude from the mouth. One of the most notable signs of decomposition during this period is the appearance of a reddish, frothy fluid that may be forced out from the nostrils and mouth. This occurs as the lungs are forced upwards due to the pressure of gases within the abdomen. Additionally, the presence of maggots may become apparent during this time.
- Between 2 to 4 days after death, decomposition becomes more apparent. The body will become bloated as gases start to build up between the dermis and epidermis, which can result in post-mortem blisters. In addition, the skin may start to slip off the underlying tissue. As gases accumulate in the blood vessels, areas of lividity/hypostasis may shift. Furthermore, the sphincters will relax, and urine and feces may leak.
- Between 3 to 7 days after death, one of the most noticeable changes is bloating, which affects the entire body. As a result of this bloating, the abdominal wall may become soft and weakened. Another change is the occurrence of colliquative changes in the tissues, which can cause the skin to become soft and easily separated from the underlying tissue. This can result in the loss of nails, hair, and the skin of the hands and feet may come off in a “glove and stocking” fashion. Another sign of decomposition is the presence of maggots and pupae on the body. These insects feed on the decomposing flesh and can be found all over the body.
- During the 5-10 day period, the body undergoes a process known as colliquative changes, also referred to as liquefaction. This process intensifies during this time, leading to many notable symptoms. One of the most significant changes is the liquefaction of the body’s tissues, which can lead to the abdomen bursting open. Additionally, the teeth may become loose.
In conclusion, the changes in the body after death can be fascinating and provide valuable insights into life and death. While the decomposition process can be challenging to witness or discuss, understanding the stages of decomposition can help forensic investigators determine essential information, such as the time of death. It is important to note that the onset and duration of these changes can be influenced by several factors, such as body temperature, age, and physical condition at the time of death. Overall, studying the changes that occur in the body after death is a complex and multifaceted field that requires a deep understanding of the biological and chemical processes within the human body.