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Computer Forensics Digital Forensic

Unraveling the Secrets of Computer Crime: Safeguarding Our Digital World

Computer crime is a modern-day menace that knows no boundaries. From physical tampering to data-related offenses and software exploits, our digital world is under constant threat. Arm yourself with knowledge and proactive measures to...

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The First Complete Sequence of the Human Y Chromosome

Explore the groundbreaking achievement of sequencing the human Y chromosome and its implications for genetics, evolution, and population genetics.

Breakthrough in Cold Case: DNA from Cigarette Butts Leads to Arrest in 2003 Homicide

In a significant development, Hamilton County Prosecutor Melissa Powers announced on October 2, 2023, that an indictment had been...

Cadaver Study Reveals the Crucial Role of Ant Bites in Forensic Investigations

Through the examination of ten real cases, the research introduces a novel classification system for bloodstain patterns caused by...

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