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Criminal Profiles Serial Killers

Larry Eyler: The Disturbing Tale of the Highway Killer

Meet Larry Eyler, the Highway Killer, whose violent spree of attacks on young men shocked the nation. Unravel the disturbing backstory that molded this murderer's fate, discover the trail of clues he left behind,...

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Unraveling the Mystery: DDP Identifies 1983 Teen Victim of Larry Eyler, the Highway Killer

Unravel the chilling tale of the DNA Doe Project's latest triumph as they unveil the identity of a...

Types of Drugs: Understanding the World of Narcotics

Discover the diverse world of narcotics and their effects on the central nervous system. We explore three main categories...

Decoding the Enigmatic World of Poisons: Understanding Two Types of Poison Classification

Discover the captivating world of toxicology and forensic toxicology as we explore the classification of poisons. Learn about acute,...

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